Welcome to Version 2.7 of Ordzaar! Hey Ordzaar community! We’re back with another update, and this one’s a doozy. We’ve been listening to your feedback, and we’re excited to roll out some new features and fixes that’ll make your Ordzaar experience even better. Let’s dive in!
Search Bar on Homepage
No more endless scrolling to find that perfect collection! With our new search bar, you can now easily find popular collections to mint or trade. It’s all about making your life easier and your trades quicker.

Warning Popup on Create Collection
Ever accidentally cleared all your assets? Not anymore! We’ve added a warning popup when you hit ‘Clear All Assets’ on the Create Collection page. It’s a small fix, but one that’ll save you big headaches.

Updated T&C and Privacy Policy
We’ve revamped our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy to make them more user-friendly and transparent. Make sure to give them a read; we’ve got you covered on the legal front.

That wraps up Version 2.7! We’re pumped for you to try out these new features and improvements. As always, we’re eager to hear your thoughts, so dive in and let us know what you think!